Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zombie Blog

Can a blog rise from the dead? As my friends in the Princess Bride would say, it's only mostly dead. So I'm going to feed it a chocolate-coated miracle, and see where I get.

As a reminder, a double disappearance is when something disappears, and then the memory it ever existed disappears (see first blog post). There's no one left to ask what happened to it, because no one remembers that there ever was such a thing. It's gone. Really gone.

This double disappearance blog is dedicated to traditional food systems, and the dying art of many practices related to food production. Which, in recent years, has become the reviving art of many practices related to food production. While the industrial food system still puts many elements of our agricultural heritage in danger of being forgotten, thousands of dedicated people are running to the rescue of traditions like seed saving, salt curing, bee keeping, and soil tending.

More generally, this blog is about local food, food traditions, recipes, my family's agricultural history, homesteading ... whatever strikes my fancy. What usually strikes my fancy is food and history, so that works out well.

I'm aiming for one post per month. If I don't say it out loud, it may not happen, and next time I'll be referring to a Monty Python quote. You know the one.


Unknown said...

best of luck, love the piece about the family farm. you should do more article type pieces like that with photos.

shannon* said...

Thanks, I'll be sure to do that.

The Pancake Master said...

What, "Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, Say No More, Say No More"?

shannon* said...

"Bring out yer dead....clink."